Female First – Elizabeth Yianni-Georgiou Discusses Work As A Makeup Designer

Female First – Elizabeth Yianni-Georgiou Discusses Work As A Makeup Designer

Q. So what do you think some of your biggest challenges have been in this business?

I think being female. We’re still not really on equal pay. I know that I’m gonna cause controversy, but we’re still not getting equal pay to the men in our field. I think that being female, it was quite tough to get where I am now, especially with three children as well, because people didn’t think people who had children could carry that through at the time I was coming through, whereas nowadays people are very open about having a family and being very career-minded. We always had to be very quiet about it.

I think it’s just people to take you seriously [is a challenge], because I came from a background that had absolutely no connections in the film industry whatsoever. So, everything I have done is through meeting people myself and being very determined and very polished in my work, so that it does get noticed. I love making characters, I don’t just do pretty makeup, I always try and make a wonderful character for the film. I always read the script well, get in touch with the actor and know what the director is wanting, and it’s a clever thing of knowing what the producer wants to. You’re kind of the middle man, where you’re trying to please everybody and get the right look for the film so you can get it out there and shoot it.

Read the complete article here – http://www.femalefirst.co.uk/movies/elizabeth-yianni-georgiou-exclusive-interview-the-mummy-1100892.html


November 16, 2017




Female First, FF, The Mummy